Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Well the sewing machines are cooling down as the last of the Christmas wedding dresses are finished and waved goodbye to! It's been such a busy year work-wise this year. The busiest since I left my King's Parade premises in 2008 to work at home, and then in my new garden studio in summer 2014. Thank you to everyone who wore one of my wedding dresses this year, and every previous year! I really appreciate your custom. It's more about just 'custom' though, which sounds very...impersonal. Having someone actually choose me to make their wedding dress is a huge honour and means such a lot to me. It's a responsibility I take very seriously and is difficult to explain how much it means to me, and how much care and energy, both physical and psychic I put into your dress! Also a big thank you to Lindsay and Chloe, both of whom have helped create this years dresses with me. You have both been an enormous help. :-) xx *THANK YOU EVERYONE!* If you're read...