New Year, New Stuff!

Happy New Year! I hope that whoever and wherever you are, you had a peaceful Christmas break.

Our Christmas was a relatively quiet one, with much resurrection of old fashioned games, such as Happy Families and Pick-Up-Sticks, which was great fun and what we all needed I think. Who knew that a tube of wooden sticks could be so much fun?! And muddy winter walks. One of our favourite places to walk is Ickworth House, and the pictures below are from there, but I forgot my camera so these are from a previous January. It looked the same, only with even more mud this year!

Anyway, I really wanted to thank all my brides and dress customers who have worked with me during 2013. THANK YOU so much for putting up with my somewhat erratic diary at certain points during the year, you really have been spendid!

It was a challenging year because we became parents by adoption, for the first (and likely last) time, and as a natural consequence my workload was reduced so I could concentrate on being a mum. Or rather, concentrate on becoming a mum as it was a baptism of fire to go from a relatively free and easy couple to being parents of a fully functioning, school attending, bright spark of a 6 year old! It still feels strange to call myself a mum, although to hear myself called 'mummy' no longer has me looking around for someone else, when its me that's being called!

Now things have settled down, this year I'm back to concentrating on my business again, and getting used to blending work and family life. So, the blog will be changing in posting style, more new gowns are being designed and made for my Collection, my new website has been launched, and all being well, a new studio will be built for me to work in and for you to come and visit me in when you enquire about having a wedding dress made or come for gown fittings! I'm so excited about this - I can't wait for the studio! What bliss to leave the house again everyday! If only for 10 steps...!

I will leave you with one more new thing: I have opened an Etsy shop! Borne out of a year of little free time and much change, and the desire to keep making things and creatively ticking over, combined with people asking me why I don't sell more of the accessories I make for my brides! (Answer - not sure - I don't have a shop front - hey, now I do!!!) I hope you like what's in it. Please do go and have a look. It's mainly wedding accessories, but not all. I shall keep adding to it over the year.

Happy New Year to you all and Best Wishes for 2014! :-)


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