Not drowning, but waving...

OK, I was recently reading one of my favourite blogs The Coffee Lady and she used a great excuse for not posting regularly and referred to her last post of a few weeks back as 'just then'. Her excuse was that time travels faster as you age, to which I thought, how true is that? And decided to borrow that same excuse for myself!

So in my last post 'just then' what was I on about? Showing you Hannah's winter wedding I think.

Well quite a lot has happened since then, wedding work and otherwise. The thing with blogging is choosing what to share and what not to share. I'm sure many people like to read only promotional stuff or choose to write only 'happy' stuff, and that must be wonderful if it works for you, but I find that style paralysing for many reasons, not least because when one is a creative type, (I prefer the word 'bohemian' at present, but more on that another time! ;)) one is influenced and motivated by everything around one, and that includes comfortable and uncomfortable stuff. So I thought I'd go 'off-topic' in this post.

The past few months have been incredibly intense because I have been waiting to adopt a child. In order to fit my work in with how adoption generally evolves, I have at short notice (for me) squashed 10 months work into 5 months to be ready for our new arrival; I've not answered the phone, and been shoddy with communication generally in order to fulfil orders. I've probably said it before, and I'll say it again: when one make things for a living, especially detailed and bespoke, one-off stuff, it can't be rushed and actual person-hours are needed to get things completed for immovable deadlines. So if you tried to call with an enquiry and I didn't pick up, this is why. If you left a message, thanks so much for doing so, I hope I called you back. If you emailed, I love you, because I could answer when I found the space to do so, and I really was craving that space.

Where was I? Well things have been pretty intense.

Just over a week ago, our proposed adoption fell through and is not going ahead. It's not great, it's very upsetting, but it is the way it is, and we are back to waiting again. I wanted to share this, because although I am a business, I'm not a faceless business. What I do is very personal and my clients come into my life for a short while when we are working together and many have become friends after the event.

If you happen to be reading this and had a dress made by me ooh... about 4 years ago now, you may recall that I was talking about adoption then. Yes.... we're still waiting.... don't get me started.

For those of you who are reading this because you are interested in weddings only, don't worry, this is unlikely to become an adoption blog, but it is a blog about someone who makes things, mainly wedding dresses, but for whom the term 'work/life balance' is a bit of a misnomer, and the 'life' part can't help but encroach on the work sometimes.

So I'm gradually feeling my way back into work. Which is almost always weddings. Just not today :)


  1. Sending you very big hugs. You'll make a lovely mum and the perfect little person who needs just you to be their mummy will be out there somewhere. Hope you get happier news soon. Xx

  2. What a hard time this must be. Keeping my fingers crossed for better news soon.

    1. Hello :) Thanks for dropping by and for your crossed fingers.

  3. Oh, this is such sad news. I read a couple of blogs by adoptive familes and adoptive families-to-be, and the whole process seems agonisingly slow and over-complicated. I sincerely hope you receive better news soon x x


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