
Well, I thought I'd drop by to let you know I am still here! It's almost February! Amazing where the month has gone. I noticed this morning as I was out, that the day was 'bright dull', rather than 'dingy dull', which for me, is a step in the right direction towards Spring.

This year I have hit the ground running workwise so along with family stuff going on as well, I have been very busy and therefore neglectful of my postings. Usually things are quiet in January and build up as the months pass, but this year seems to be different, which is great, but means less time at the computer.

What I've decided to do when times are busy is to post simply - perhaps 1 picture and a short comment, just to keep things ticking over. This is what I'd intended to do today, but I seem unable to say just one thing, as my husband and family will testify!

Anyway, these flowers are part of a project 'on hold' that I'll come back to some time later in the year. I always have 'on hold' or 'pending' projects, which get sidelined in favour of the urgent, immovable wedding deadline stuff. Which is, of course, how it should be.

A while back I mentioned making things for a photoshoot, well, that's coming up soon and I'm looking forward to showing you the results of that. Also a big thanks to everyone who is coming to the sewing workshop - all places are taken, and I shall report on that after the event.

In the meantime, I shall pop back regularly with my work in progress.


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